Limited access jobsites prove challenging for many industries that require hauling concrete off-road due to the problematic terrains. While remote jobsite concrete delivery can be challenging, with the right equipment it can be done smoothly, safely, and efficiently. Terramac’s line of rubber tracked carriers have been the go-to solution for contractors hauling concrete off-road because of their innate ability to traverse rough, wet and steep terrain with ease; all while being outfitted with various types of concrete support equipment.

The rubber tracked technology used in the design of Terramac carriers is a key feature affording them the traction and flotation necessary to conquer problematic ground conditions. Terramac tracked carriers exert low ground pressure which minimizes ground damage on environmentally sensitive jobsites, and their carrying capacities range between 12,000-lbs. and 28,000-lbs. allowing for the reliable transport of various concrete load sizes. Terramac units are commonly equipped with custom covered dump beds or concrete chutes for exceptional hauling efficiency and pouring precision.
Other popular tracked concrete delivery options include Terramac carriers equipped with support attachments like Maxon’s Maxcrete agitators and self-contained transit-type drum mixers. Both agitators and mixers are available in multiple sizes and are easily mounted to the chassis of straight frame Terramac models, such as the RT6, RT9 or RT14. Paired together, these track mounted concrete haulers are advantageous for keeping concrete fresh during off-road transport and delivery, and will handle most concrete mixes. To date, the ability to transport concrete remotely with Terramac’s customized carriers has been useful for pouring utility pole foundations, solar farm footings, windmill bases, and housing development lots as well as for installing and replacing barge moorings on riversides. Crawler carriers have also been spotted building shoreline erosion control walls, underground mine storage facilities, and pipeline valve stations and sub-stations.
To learn more about improving your concrete delivery to remote areas with Terramac, contact a member of our sales team today at 630.365.4800.