Earning cash rewards has never been easier! Get out your cameras or phones because Terramac’s ‘Working Photo Rewards’ program is back. Submit a photo of a Terramac carrier in operation on a jobsite and receive a $25.00 retail gift card on us. It’s that simple! Whether you are a customer, dealer or operator in the field, everyone is eligible for rewards.

Official Program Rules:
- Submit images to marketing@terramac.com
- Images must be 500KB or higher
- Terramac units must be in operation on a jobsite
- Maximum reward per year is $250.00 per person
- Multiple submissions require jobsite variation
As you capture working Terramac photos, please keep safety top of mind. Do not get too close to the equipment, and make sure people in the photographs are following all safely rules and wearing appropriate safety gear.
Terramac is excited to see your photo submissions and will share images through social media and various other marketing channels. For questions, please contact the Terramac marketing department at 630.365.4800. Please review Terms & Conditions below prior to submitting photo.
Terms & Conditions
*By submitting photos I allow Terramac, and its distributors/dealers to use, display, sell and publish the photo at their respective discretion, in any media or format, for any lawful purpose.
* Any photos submitted to Terramac shall become the property of Terramac.
*Photos submitted may not include any added logos, watermarks or other artwork.
*Terramac is not responsible for disciplinary actions taken against submitter for sharing a photo against employer company policy.
*Terramac is not responsible for any injuries sustained on jobsite of photographed equipment.
*Terramac reserves the right to choose whether the name of the company and/or the name of the person submitting the photo will be shared publicly.
*Terramac reserves the right to cancel the program at any time without prior notice.